
We love helping veterans transition but make no mistake, our dedication to veteran employment is from the employer side.  United States military veterans exemplify process, chain of command, and unprecedented ownership of the deliverable.  When trying to figure out where veterans fit into your organization please remember it’s a lot easier to learn what you do at work than it is to teach the work ethic and discipline a veteran offers your organization.

Veteran inclusion may feel like a good deed but we ask our partners to think of it as change management, not charity.


We love helping veterans transition but make no mistake, our dedication to veteran employment is from the employer side.  United States military veterans exemplify process, chain of command, and unprecedented ownership of the deliverable.  When trying to figure out where veterans fit into your organization please remember it’s a lot easier to learn what you do at work than it is to teach the work ethic and discipline a veteran offers your organization.

Veteran inclusion may feel like a good deed but we ask our partners to think of it as change management, not charity.